Good parenting takes time…lots and lots of time. This is one big reason us McCollom’s don’t plan such a tight schedule that we end up running from thing to thing to thing. We learned years ago that to be able to listen to our kids and to be able to train them according to the Word of God, this would take many, many, many, many conversations over the years; therefore, we purposely leave time in our schedule for these conversations.

Of course, just like everyone else, I have over-scheduled our lives before. (I say I instead of we because Steve really doesn’t fall into this trap) But every time I do over-schedule, I find that those parent/child conversations that are suppose to be positive and bring a positive outcome become more of a frustration. When that happens our kids can even begin to feel like they are a frustration to us and that is definitely not God’s plan for parenting! 

I just had a conversation with my girls this morning that was not in my plan, but the extra time was in my schedule resulting in me being able to calmly listen and talk through what we needed to talk through. And most importantly, having that time and not being in a hurry caused me to remember to stop and hear from the Holy Spirit before making any decisions or saying anything I would regret. 

I believe this kind of parenting leaves our kids feeling loved. 

Today I encourage you and remind myself with this: 

Let’s leave extra time in our daily schedules for good parenting! We’ll all be glad we did because good parenting is an investment we are making into our kids lives and we will reap the benefit of investing well! 

Let’s pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and then be willing to click the delete button on as many things as we need to in our schedules so good parenting doesn’t end up getting deleted! 

If you have not yet made Jesus your Savior and received the wonderful joy that His finished work on the cross has provided for you to live in, please visit my page here titled Jesus In The Driver’s Seat. On this page I explain the good news of the gospel and you will have the opportunity to pray a prayer of salvation, making Jesus your Savior! Jesus loves you and His arms are wide open!
Sandra McCollom

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