
Christ In You,The Hope Of Glory
I have good news
Jesus Is Alive!
I have more good news
For those who believe in Him
Jesus Is Alive In You!
Jesus is the perfect everything you will ever need living on the inside of you. I don't know about you, but that just flat out makes…

The Million Dollar Question
This is by far the most popular question I get...
"How can I get a revelation of grace like you have, Sandra?"
In my case, I did not even know what I was missing. I didn't know that I didn't know what grace was. I really wasn't even stopping…

Established in Righteousness
Matthew 6:33 has been my favorite Bible verse for as long as I can remember; the only problem was, I was reading it wrong for most of my life.
Here it is:
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will…

Anger Management
Do you struggle with anger?
I had a bad temper for many years. I would explode over the littlest things at times.
Something I've learned on my grace journey over this past 4.5 years is that it's impossible to get free from a problem if…

Train Yourself To Respond To The Devil’s Lies With Faith
Several years ago the Holy Spirit began to lead me to train myself to respond in faith in each situation I encounter in life.
Now, am I claiming that I respond perfectly in faith all the time? Of course not. Am I claiming that I perfectly…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 3
Here is some of the treasure that stood out to me while reading and studying Romans chapter 3. I hope this brings you encouragement!
Romans 3:19 says,
Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 2
I am having so much fun writing down my thoughts from my study on the book of Romans.
Here is some of the treasure I discovered from reading and studying Romans chapter 2. I hope this helps you!
Romans 2:1 says,
You may think you can…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 1
I have been studying the book of Romans and it has been so much fun! I want to start sharing with you some of the treasure I've discovered while reading and studying the Bible, especially now that I see God as a loving and gracious Father and…

Why I Didn’t Enjoy Reading The Bible For Years…But Now I Can’t Stop
I have read the Bible faithfully since I became a Christian at the age of 8, but sadly, for most of my life I saw it as a book of rules that I had to try my hardest to obey. In fact, this is the way I viewed the Bible until just over 2 years…

Practicing The Presence Of Jesus
You can have an amazing relationship with God!
You might say, "Sandra, I already do. I've been Born Again for 20 years."
What I mean is, you can have such an amazing daily relationship with God that you actually live with an ongoing consciousness…