
True or False? Being Sin Conscious Makes Me Sin Less
I laughed, I cried, I kept screaming "Come on, PREACH" and I thought, my goodness, if every Christian on the planet could hear this.
Dr. Creflo Dollar is doing such an amazing job unveiling the beauty of Jesus through his teaching. I absolutely…

Do I Have To Confess My Sins For God To Forgive Me?
This message about 1 John 1:9 by Dr. Creflo Dollar was just too good and too clearly laid out for me not to share it!
Do We Have To Confess Our Sins For God To Forgive Us? I know this is a loaded question and has caused great debate among…

Grace Based Holiness – A Brilliant Message by Dr. Creflo Dollar
Friends, I just finished watching such an amazing message by Dr. Creflo Dollar titled Grace Based Holiness. I must've cried 45 minutes straight because there was such a strong anointing on this teaching. You'll see what I mean when you watch…