
We’ve Got Nothing Left To Prove
When I started my worship playlist this morning during my walk, the first song that popped up was He Knows My Name by Francesca Battistelli.
What a great way to start my walk with these lyrics:
I don't need my name in lights

Know Who You Are
I hope and pray this teaching from my speaking engagement at Access Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma brings you lots of encouragement! Much thanks to Access Church for recording the message and allowing me to share it!
In this teaching I talk about:

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 15
Here's some of the treasure I discovered while reading and studying Romans chapter 15. I hope this brings you encouragement!
Romans 15:1-2 say,
1 We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this.…

Let Peace Be Your Umpire
For many years as a Christian I would override the Holy Spirit by doing what I wanted to do instead of being led by peace. This is one of the reasons I was filled with such anxiety and frustration. I literally felt like I was running around…

TV Interview #2 – The Leon Show
I feel so blessed to be able to share another TV interview with you from The Leon Show. Pastor Leon Fontaine and I were having such a good time talking about God's amazing grace on the day of the taping that he asked me if I wanted to record…

Two TV Interviews – LIFE Today TV
I'm so glad to be able to share this TV Interview with you that I did with James and Betty Robison. They're both such kind and personable people and I so enjoyed meeting them and getting to know them!
As it turns out, Betty Robison and I…

TV Interview – The Leon Show
I'm excited to share this TV interview with you that I did with Pastor Leon Fontaine!
Pastor Leon and I discussed the trap of legalism, perfectionism and 'trying harder' that I lived in for the first 34 years of my life as a Christian and…

TV Interview – Joni’s Table Talk
I'm so grateful to Joni Lamb for having me on her show - Joni's Table Talk. I had a blast recording this show with these awesome ladies! I hope God uses it to bring you much encouragement!
Joni's Table Talk Interview
If you have not…

TV Interview With My Mom On Enjoying Everyday Life
I'm excited to share with you my first TV interview about my new book, I Tried Until I Almost Died! My Mom asked me to be on her Television program and I really appreciate her giving me the opportunity to tell my story of the changes God has…

Never Give Up
I have heard two different ministers recently say something that really resonated with me. They said, "The Christian life is not just hard to live, it's impossible to live. There is only one person who can live the Christian life and that is…