
Freedom From Legalism
Do you find yourself wondering if you have done enough for God?
Are you looking for a to-do list to accomplish for God in order to be acceptable to Him?
When you struggle with sin do you think you would be able to overcome if you would…

True or False? Being Sin Conscious Makes Me Sin Less
I laughed, I cried, I kept screaming "Come on, PREACH" and I thought, my goodness, if every Christian on the planet could hear this.
Dr. Creflo Dollar is doing such an amazing job unveiling the beauty of Jesus through his teaching. I absolutely…

God’s Protection Over Us
You have probably figured out by now, especially if you watch the news, that you cannot count on the people and the environment around you always being safe.
I made a personal decision a long time ago to stop watching the news because of…

Where Sin Abounds, Grace Superabounds
All my life I had struggled with being late. Believe me, it was a chronic problem. I can even remember running down my subdivision street, chasing the school bus fairly often in elementary school as a result of standing in front of the bathroom…

The Greatest Freedom You’ll Ever Know
It's hard to put into words what gaining security through getting to know who I am in Christ has done for me, but I have found that as I've learned the promises in the Bible that tell me who I am and what I have in Christ and live out my true…

There’s No Bad News In The Good News
When we share the gospel with people, but present it as a works based religion (not the real gospel), it may look like we are encouraging spiritual maturity, but what we are actually creating are just more Pharisees.
Why? Because when people…

Make A Positive Impact
If you are a Jesus-follower, Jesus said you are the light of the world! Wow!
A few months ago someone who had influence over my girls, Angel and Starr, at the time, asked a whole group of kids the following question: What did Jesus say about…

We’ve Got Nothing Left To Prove
When I started my worship playlist this morning during my walk, the first song that popped up was He Knows My Name by Francesca Battistelli.
What a great way to start my walk with these lyrics:
I don't need my name in lights

Do I Have To Confess My Sins For God To Forgive Me?
This message about 1 John 1:9 by Dr. Creflo Dollar was just too good and too clearly laid out for me not to share it!
Do We Have To Confess Our Sins For God To Forgive Us? I know this is a loaded question and has caused great debate among…

Grace Based Holiness – A Brilliant Message by Dr. Creflo Dollar
Friends, I just finished watching such an amazing message by Dr. Creflo Dollar titled Grace Based Holiness. I must've cried 45 minutes straight because there was such a strong anointing on this teaching. You'll see what I mean when you watch…