

Seeing Past Your Circumstances, To God’s Promises

One month ago was when all the fun started - NOT! I've actually been in the hospital twice in one month for two different things, but in this post I'm going to focus on the most recent event. Someone recently blessed me with $200 and encouraged…

Train Yourself To Respond To The Devil’s Lies With Faith

Several years ago the Holy Spirit began to lead me to train myself to respond in faith in each situation I encounter in life. Now, am I claiming that I respond perfectly in faith all the time? Of course not. Am I claiming that I perfectly…

The God Of The Impossible

When you face seemingly impossible situations you can trust the God of the impossible to see you's a promise! I hope this short video blog brings you encouragement! The God Of The Impossible               If…

TV Interview #2 – The Leon Show

I feel so blessed to be able to share another TV interview with you from The Leon Show. Pastor Leon Fontaine and I were having such a good time talking about God's amazing grace on the day of the taping that he asked me if I wanted to record…