I Had A Fight With My Husband The Other Night…But God!
I had a fight with my husband a few nights ago. That is rare for us but I was sooooo mad. I was digging some holes in my garden after this happened and wow, was I digging fast. I took my shovel, dug a hole and slapped that rock…
Why A Revelation of Jesus Changes Everything
Are you exhausted from trying to get it all right? If so, this is gonna help you. It's a dialogue of a recent conversation between a friend and myself and this friend, who has also been exhausted, just happens to be receiving a revelation of…
Experience God’s Love Through This Amazing Testimony!
"Valerie nearly died in a car crash, but found peace in Heaven. Meanwhile, her sister prayed for Valerie’s healing, and she came back with an amazing revelation." - The 700 Club
I've watched this 7.24 minute video testimony three times…
How Grace Changed My Pastors’ Lives
This interview below explains how God's grace changed my pastors' parenting, marriage and ministry!
It will encourage you!
Here are some comments from others about this video:
“This was awesome.” - Donna from Hinsdale, New Hampshire
Becoming Fearless
Driving over bridges had never been one of my favorite things to do, but four years ago while taking a road trip vacation with my family to beautiful Prince Edward Island, Canada we had to drive over a very long bridge - 8 miles long to be exact…
Jesus Loves Me This I Know!
Hahahaha! I woke up and looked in the mirror this morning and just laughed!
This picture is real. No make-up. No filter. Nothing. And guess what? I'm not the least bit afraid for you to see it. This will now be on Google for all to see and…
The Prodigal Son and The Older Brother – What Were They Missing?
I want to share this story from a new perspective that the Father just dropped in my heart this morning.
I like to release a blog post on Saturday morning if I have time so when I woke up this morning I immediately began to ask God if there…
The Most Spiritual Thing You Can Do
Do you ever feel fear? I know I still do.
According to 1 John 4:18, as we welcome in perfect love (God's love), fear leaves; therefore, the only people who can say they understand God's love perfectly are those who are living without any fear.
You’re A Blessing Waiting To Happen
Do you believe this? You should because it's true!
A couple of weeks ago I was just going about my daily routine and I felt like God reminded me: Sandra, you're a blessing waiting to happen!
Right away I received this encouragement from…
Seeing Past Your Circumstances, To God’s Promises
One month ago was when all the fun started - NOT!
I've actually been in the hospital twice in one month for two different things, but in this post I'm going to focus on the most recent event.
Someone recently blessed me with $200 and encouraged…