

True or False? Being Sin Conscious Makes Me Sin Less

I laughed, I cried, I kept screaming "Come on, PREACH" and I thought, my goodness, if every Christian on the planet could hear this. Dr. Creflo Dollar is doing such an amazing job unveiling the beauty of Jesus through his teaching. I absolutely…

Receive A Revelation Of God’s Love And Be Transformed

God's Love Blows My Mind! Last night we attended the JUMP Christmas production at our church, St. Louis Family Church, which was fabulous by the way! Standing room only! Before the production started I had gone into the restroom and was…

Marriage Advice: From Insecurity to Security

Here's six minutes of marriage advice from 25 years of experience. I hope you're encouraged! If you have not yet made Jesus your Savior and received the wonderful joy that His finished work on the cross has provided for you to live in,…

Be Intentional About Loving People

My family and I had a 20 minute conversation about love yesterday morning. Why did we take the time to have this discussion? Because we want to be a family that is intentional about loving people. The thing that started us talking is that…

I’m Almost A Parent Of Teenagers

Starr on the left and Angel on the right (in pic with Cinderella) are gonna be 13 this weekend! Unbelievable! You know, I used to think that as a parent I wasn't suppose to be my kids' friend, but I was only suppose to be their parent…

The Key To Humility

I woke up this morning thinking about humility and this came to me. The key to humility is knowing that any good thing that we've ever done or ever will do is because of God's grace alone. JESUS is God's grace personified; therefore, it's…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 13

Here's some of the treasure I've discovered while reading and studying Romans chapter 13. I pray this helps you. Romans 13:1-7 says, 1 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions…

If You Forgive, You Win

I've had to forgive so many people lately that I finally thought, maybe I need to write a blog post and call it If You Forgive, You Win. Several times recently, people have treated me disrespectfully. You know what I mean - they looked at…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 10

Here is some of the treasure I discovered while reading and studying Romans chapter 10. I hope you're encouraged! Romans 10:5 says, For Moses writes that the law's way of making a person right with God requires obedience to all of its commands. (NLT)  This…

My Birthday Prayer…For You

I woke up at 4:30am this morning after just getting in bed at 12:30am, but I was too excited to go back to sleep! This was the first thing that entered my mind: It's my Birthday, I'm so glad to be alive, You love me so much God, You love…