
How Condemnation Holds Us Back
Guilt and condemnation is such a trick of the devil, yet I lived buried under it for decades and I've spoken to so many friends on my grace journey this past 9.5 years who are also in the process of digging themselves out. Many have said, Wow,…

Becoming Fearless
Driving over bridges had never been one of my favorite things to do, but four years ago while taking a road trip vacation with my family to beautiful Prince Edward Island, Canada we had to drive over a very long bridge - 8 miles long to be exact…

Questions & Answers: Grace-Based Relationship Advice
Hi Sandra,
My name is Debbie and I live in Australia.
I have been reading your book and I absolutely love it!
I have some questions that I would like to ask you about and hoping that you may be able to answer.
My Answer:
Hi Debbie! So…

You’re A Blessing Waiting To Happen
Do you believe this? You should because it's true!
A couple of weeks ago I was just going about my daily routine and I felt like God reminded me: Sandra, you're a blessing waiting to happen!
Right away I received this encouragement from…

There’s No Bad News In The Good News
When we share the gospel with people, but present it as a works based religion (not the real gospel), it may look like we are encouraging spiritual maturity, but what we are actually creating are just more Pharisees.
Why? Because when people…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 15
Here's some of the treasure I discovered while reading and studying Romans chapter 15. I hope this brings you encouragement!
Romans 15:1-2 say,
1 We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this.…

You’re Perfectly Loved
After listening, if you would like to share this audio post, scroll down to see how
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot my leftovers at the restaurant. What is wrong with me?
Good grief, why can't I ever hold onto anything. I drop…