God Is Your Source
Your paycheck is not your source
Your side business is not your source
Other people are not your source
The stock market is not your source
Your retirement account is not your source
Your savings account is not your source
Relationship Over Rules
I recall when our girls turned 15, we we’re so honored that they wanted to celebrate their Birthdays with us over having a party with their friends!
For the first 9 years of Angel and Starr’s lives I buried them under a mountain of rules.…
Where Sin Abounds, Grace Superabounds
All my life I had struggled with being late. Believe me, it was a chronic problem. I can even remember running down my subdivision street, chasing the school bus fairly often in elementary school as a result of standing in front of the bathroom…
Give Yourself A Break…Before You Break
I have had a really rough week because God has been telling me for a long time to get more sleep and I haven't been listening. Now, let me clarify that I am not saying that God caused me to have a rough week. I don't believe God causes bad things…
I Threw A Fit And Lived To Tell The Story
Ok, so I just had a meltdown in front of my family because I can get anxious and freak out if lots of things are coming at me at once and lots of things were coming at me at once. I am so not a multitasker. I even threw Angel's History notebook…
Should Grace Be A Last Resort?
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I'm sure you've heard the phrase 'as a last resort.'
It means - as the last choice; if everything else fails.
After I posted something recently…