
The Prodigal Son and The Older Brother – What Were They Missing?
I want to share this story from a new perspective that the Father just dropped in my heart this morning.
I like to release a blog post on Saturday morning if I have time so when I woke up this morning I immediately began to ask God if there…

Freedom From Legalism
Do you find yourself wondering if you have done enough for God?
Are you looking for a to-do list to accomplish for God in order to be acceptable to Him?
When you struggle with sin do you think you would be able to overcome if you would…

Is Your Christianity Working For You?
Here's my message from my first speaking engagement at the 2016 God's Girls Conference, at Victory Church in Pevely, MO.
A huge thank you to Victory Church for recording this message and allowing me to share it!
About 4 years ago I had…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 10
Here is some of the treasure I discovered while reading and studying Romans chapter 10. I hope you're encouraged!
Romans 10:5 says,
For Moses writes that the law's way of making a person right with God requires obedience to all of its commands. (NLT)