I Tried Until I Almost Died
by Sandra McCollom
Tired of trying to measure up? Trade your anxiety and frustration for rest and relaxation.
Many of us believe that in order to please God, we have to be perfect. It’s an easy lie to buy into. In a culture that emphasizes accomplishment and ever-higher goals, we feel driven to do more, achieve more, be more. And we get caught up in the unforgiving treadmill of self-imposed rules, believing that we should, we need to, we must.
The result? Anger, frustration, and anxiety that keep us far away from the life of peace that Jesus promised.
For years, Sandra McCollom lived in this trap. Finally worn out from striving for perfection but constantly feeling like a failure, one day she prayed in desperation, begging God for help. God answered Sandra by setting her on a life-changing journey to discover the riches of His grace.
In I Tried Until I Almost Died, Sandra shares how she left behind her burden of anxiety and fear and shows you how to experience for yourself the freedom of trusting solely in the perfecting power of God’s grace.
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Trade your anxiety and frustration for rest and relaxation.
What are other people saying about the book?
“I minister to the girls in the jail in my county and we talked about your book last night:) There is a copy of it in the jail and the girls were telling me last night they have an on going list to see who gets it next.”
“I’m in first year of university in England, an international student. I bought your book before going home last year for Christmas! Talk about best Christmas ever. I felt so free!”
“It changed my life. I’m reading for a second time now.”
“Oh my gosh you’re book is so powerful!!!! I have had my own struggles trying to live under the law, trying to “earn” God’s favor and love! I’ve been learning and growing more in this area because of you’re book! I can’t believe how I’ve been missing this in my Christian walk!”
“I believe the reason this book is making such a huge impact is because it is soooo real! No sugar-coating, no excuses – just a bold proclamation of what life was before receiving the gift of righteousness and the amazing grace of our Lord and Champion, Jesus!!!”
“I just finished this book this morning!! My daughter said it changed her life, and she had been wanting me to read it for the past 1 1/2 years! We are purchasing books as gifts for friends. Thank you so much! God is on the move in a mighty way!”
“I know it’s late, but I had to share this with you. Mike has just started reading your book. A friend I lent it to kept it for quite awhile. His words: “Sandy’s book is awesome! I am devouring it!” It is helping him so much!”
“I loved this book! I just finished it. It is all about love, grace, peace and freedom! Thank you!”
“Started reading your book for the 4th time over the past weekend. Always love the reminders and new things I discover while reading it. Through your book this revelation of grace changed my whole life. I know once people get it they’ll never be the same.”
“Awesome read!”
“I’ve read this book twice. I’m now reading it a third time. This book has done such a healing in me like you have no idea. Every time I read it something else comes to life.”
“I bought your book, I tried until I almost died, and am finding it very helpful. It has helped me to see things in a different way. Each page brings encouragement and understanding about the grace of God and how to apply it to my life.”
“Thank you for writing this book and sharing your struggles. I (pastoral) counsel so many Christians who suffer from anxiety and frustration. They are not living their life to the fullest which is what God intended. It’s a message the church needs to hear.”
“Your book is a life changer. Thank you!”
“Guess what? Gave your book to a pastor friend of mine. He finished it in two days and came in here this morning raving about it! He said he bought 6 more copies and is sending one to every pastor he knows. He said, “every pastor and person in the world needs to hear the message her book communicates!”
“This is a must must must must must READ!”
“Thank you for sharing your story of how Jesus brought you out of anxiety! I am so grateful! This book is really helping me!!!”
“Just received your book and I’m loving it!!! You had me already by page 5…”
“I read your book around this time last year and God used it to change my life. I have read and re-read the section of your book (Chapter 5) where you talk about how learning to receive God’s grace in the middle of your failure brought transformation.”
“GREAT BOOK! God was speaking to me on just about every page. Amazing.”
“I absolutely loved your book and I am passing it on to a dear friend! I also just recommended it to a mother and daughter who have been going through some challenging times.”
“Your book is great – so real – thank you for writing it and sharing.”
“Hi Sandra! I’m reading your book right now! I cannot begin to thank you enough for being a faithful follower of Jesus! Since the moment I opened this book, God has been doing some serious, glorious, amazing changes in me! Grace!!! I never knew I was missing so much!! He has absolutely changed my life through this little book!!!
One week later from Julie – “Hi Sandra! Wanted to give you an update on the impact God is making here in Odessa, TX through your book! Wow!…so I finished the book (hated for it to end!) and prayed that God would provide the funds to buy more so I could give them away to others struggling to understand God’s AMAZING GRACE! The next day He just showed out through a friend and she ordered all she could find! Already passed mine on! The Holy Spirit showed me immediately who it was to go to. Then another came and He showed me again! Waiting and believing for the rest to come before Thursday night so I can take them to my Celebrate Recovery group and pass them out! The women have seen week by week the HUGE changes God is making in me and want what I have!”
“I Tried Until I Almost Died is a brilliant book birthed out of experience and revelation. I read it just at the right time.”
“After reading Pastor Joseph Prince’s review of this book and the wonderful testimonies I decided to order this book for my wife and she totally loves it!”
“I’ll read it again, it’s so good! Thank you.”
“James and I are reading your book together and it is absolutely wonderful! I love how you put things in a practical perspective. A wonderful read. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world!”
“Your book, Sandra, has changed my whole outlook on life.”
“Sandra shares some powerful truths with us and her personal journey into peace and rest in God is one we all need to read. Her story is easy to relate to and for many of us, the transparency and passion with which she writes only serves to reinforce her message – that we can find complete liberation from religious legalism and perfectionism through God’s boundless grace.”
“One of the best books I have ever read !!!! I’ve read it twice and now reading it again!”
“I recently read your book and felt like I could completely understand…I myself have felt like I have tried till I almost died….that’s what drew me to your book!”
“Where do I begin when it comes to your book?! Wow! My whole life as a Christian has changed, every misconception has been cleared away.”
“Sandra McCollom is the real deal. We’ve known her for over half of her life. She is a devoted Christian, wife, and mother. In the following pages she shares with honesty and openness how she learned to appropriate God’s grace into her life and experience more joy.
In the famous story of I Samuel 17, when David defeats Goliath, David first “left his baggage in the care of the baggage keeper, and ran to the battle line…” (1 Samuel 17:22). Unencumbered, he was able to more efficiently face the giant Goliath.
Sandra’s story helps us to lay aside weights and encumbrances in order to be more effective in the challenges of life (Hebrews 12:1). Pondering these pages will remind the reader that it was for freedom that Christ set us free (Galatians 5:1).
Read it. Break from unreasonable perfectionism, leave the excess baggage, and begin to excel in the mercy and love of God.”

“I had the privilege of personally hearing Sandra share her journey of being completely liberated by God’s amazing grace. I am thrilled that you, too, can now hear her story. I have no doubt that you will experience the transformative power of knowing our wonderful Lord Jesus as you see what He has done for Sandra in her own life.”

“I love Sandra McCollom and have watched the message of this book literally transform her life. As she has discovered her own belovedness, she now wants to help you discover yours. You will learn that you are already thoroughly loved and approved of by Jesus.”

“Rest is a state of being where we maintain peace. Resting in God is complete peace with assurance that we can place our faith in Him. It sounds so simple. Why then do we struggle and take on unneeded anxiety and frustrations? Sandra McCollom’s book I Tried Until I Almost Died is an honest depiction of personal struggles on the matter and victories found.”

“In this book Sandra shares her journey of learning to walk daily in God’s grace and live for His pleasure. When we discover what a wonderful, loving Father we have in God, we can experience a life filled with joy and peace. Our loving Father said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness’ (2 Corinthians 12:9). Whatever your heavy load is today, bring it to the Lord. You are His child and He delights to care for you. May Sandra’s story inspire you to draw near and trust Him today.”

“Sandra McCollom offers her readers the ultimate encouragement: God does not expect us to be perfect, and His love and grace extend to us right where we are. In a world that so often pushes us to be as close to perfect as we can, this message promising the relaxation and peace of God’s unyielding grace and love cannot be missed! Sandra is truly a great woman of God with something to say. This book is a must read.”