

The Sin of Self-Righteousness

I used to have a pet peeve. It was people who gossiped about other people; more specifically Christians who gossiped about other people. It just bugged me to hear Christians talk about how we are suppose to walk in love and then hear those same…
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Established in Righteousness

Matthew 6:33 has been my favorite Bible verse for as long as I can remember; the only problem was, I was reading it wrong for most of my life. Here it is: But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will…

Questions & Answers: Grace-Based Relationship Advice

Hi Sandra, My name is Debbie and I live in Australia. I have been reading your book and I absolutely love it! I have some questions that I would like to ask you about and hoping that you may be able to answer. My Answer: Hi Debbie! So…

Quitting The Rules

A few days ago my husband Steve and I landed in Orlando for a three night marriage getaway. Today was our last day and we’ve had such a great time. We haven’t laughed this hard in a long time! Steve is the funniest person I know. When…
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The Adventure of Spirit-led Living

My brother David lives on the edge. He likes action, he likes adventure and he can't stand to sit around for too long before taking off again. He has traveled to over 150 countries, jumped out of an airplane, swam with sharks and I guarantee…

You’re A Blessing Waiting To Happen

Do you believe this? You should because it's true! A couple of weeks ago I was just going about my daily routine and I felt like God reminded me: Sandra, you're a blessing waiting to happen! Right away I received this encouragement from…

Reproducing the Life of Jesus

How do we reproduce the life of Jesus? Hint: It’s not by trying harder! This teaching by Pastor Greg Riether, the pastor of Healing Grace Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, is powerful and this isn’t the only one that is. I’ve been devouring…

Happy Thanksgiving – I’m Thankful I’m Alive!

I’m sitting in an airport, thankful I’m alive! Well, at least I was sitting in an airport when I started writing this post much earlier today. My flight was suppose to take off at 7:15am this morning and land me back in St. Louis to…

The Salvation Army’s Motto – Others!

William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army, once sent a letter to all of his officers. When they opened it, it simply said others. Below is a short video clip from this past weekend when I spoke at the Secrets of the Heart event held at…

Seeing Past Your Circumstances, To God’s Promises

One month ago was when all the fun started - NOT! I've actually been in the hospital twice in one month for two different things, but in this post I'm going to focus on the most recent event. Someone recently blessed me with $200 and encouraged…