
I Had A Fight With My Husband The Other Night…But God!

I had a fight with my husband a few nights ago. That is rare for us but I was sooooo mad.  I was digging some holes in my garden after this happened and wow, was I digging fast. I took my shovel, dug a hole and slapped that rock filled mud into the trash can over and over again. My energy was off. the. charts.
As I was digging the following thoughts came into my head and tried to stay there.
“I can’t believe I tell people Steve is a good husband. He’s a terrible husband.”
“He needs to go to counseling to learn how to communicate.” (while rolling my eyes)
“He never understands what I go through.”
You think I was being emotional?  YEP
You think I was being tempted to grab onto and own the lies the devil was feeding me?  YEP
You think I was judging and comparing myself to my husband, thinking I was better than him? YEP
What is that called again???
Oh yes, now I remember. A PHARISEE. (Gulp)
You think I was listening to the Holy Spirit during this hour or two? NOPE, NOT AT FIRST. NOT UNTIL…
That one time during the two hours when the Holy Spirit (my Helper) gently said “Sandra, you know these are lies. Don’t believe them.”
And thank the Lord, I chose to listen to His great advice because of this verse.
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”
Philippians 2:13 (NLT)
It’s like God helped me do an about face in my mind within seconds!!!
Then when Steve came outside to help me with something in the garden I started making a big joke out of the whole thing and we were both laughing!
You think that made the devil mad? YEP!
Here’s the truth: I have an amazing husband who definitely does understand me and I WILL NOT entertain lies that the devil feeds me about my husband.
That would be silly for me to believe a liar, right?
The truth is, our marriage will end up being even better than it already is as a result of this because God works all things together for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose…THAT’S US!  (see Romans 8:28)
Ha, the devil is so defeated. Now my marriage, that is already great, is going to be even stronger. I can’t stop laughing.
The truth is, I am married to my best friend whom I love soooo much and we are going to grow old together and even spend eternity together in heaven, because of Jesus.

Here is one of many testimonies I have received from people having their eyes set on Jesus as a result of reading this post. I love what God did in Connie’s heart from Kentucky! Praise Jesus!!

OM! I was writing out my “Gratitude list” for today – I thought about what you shared about your argument w/ Steve- I decided to smack the devil upside his head- I wrote that I am THANKFUL for my husband. Can’t tell you the number of times I have let that filthy liar get into my head & slander my husband to me- spewing all his life destroying poison. Not today! Nope! I am gonna be Thankful for my man & not allow the enemy to steal any more life from me, my marriage or my family.

UPDATE: Steve and I talked the next afternoon after we had this fight when he came home from work and we were talking about how we just love living this grace-led life. He was able to talk openly about something God was showing him for the future in regards to this and I was able to talk openly about something specific that God was showing me. And we thank God that neither of us were holding bitterness, resentment or unforgiveness in our heart toward the other one. We felt only love for one another. That’s what grace does, friends. When I said in my post that God helped me do an about face within seconds it really did happen on every level. All I had to do was choose to get out of self effort mode, remember who I was in Christ and receive the love and grace of God. His grace is what changes our heart. We can’t do it on our own. We need the Holy Spirit’s help every single time! 

If you have not yet made Jesus your Savior and received the wonderful joy that His finished work on the cross has provided for you to live in, please visit my page here titled Jesus In The Driver’s Seat. On this page I explain the good news of the gospel and you will have the opportunity to pray a prayer of salvation, making Jesus your Savior! Jesus loves you and His arms are wide open!

Sandra McCollom

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Christy Chan

Thank you for being so real!! You are very encouraging!!


Wow.. I love this! I heard a sermon on marriage this morning. God finds it a priority!
We are His bride as Church, but we’re called to love oneanother as He loves us in marriage especially.