REST – The Most Effective Way to Live
Here's a message I shared recently at my home church, Living Word Church.
In it I talk about how, so many times in life, we can try to work for certain things or we can rest, knowing Jesus has already finished the work and given us those…

Teaching from Oklahoma – “No Condemnation”
My family and I went to Oklahoma last weekend and I spoke three times in two days. It was so much fun!
Let me tell you something wonderful:
People everywhere are making the connection between living by God's grace and living in peace.

Living From A Place Of Security
Here's a little one-minute video clip from my most recent speaking engagement for your encouragement!
WE ARE IN and we are in to stay...all because of Jesus. Live from this place of security and you WILL naturally produce the right behavior/right…

Know Who You Are
I hope and pray this teaching from my speaking engagement at Access Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma brings you lots of encouragement! Much thanks to Access Church for recording the message and allowing me to share it!
In this teaching I talk about:

Is Your Christianity Working For You?
Here's my message from my first speaking engagement at the 2016 God's Girls Conference, at Victory Church in Pevely, MO.
A huge thank you to Victory Church for recording this message and allowing me to share it!
About 4 years ago I had…