God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 9

A few months ago I was reading and studying the book of Romans. When I got to Romans chapter 9, I have to admit, I got confused by some of the stuff I was reading. Thankfully, as I continued studying, with the help of Andrew Wommack's Living…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 8

Here is some of the treasure I discovered while reading and studying Romans chapter 8. I hope this brings you encouragement! Romans 8:1-4 say,  1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. 2 And because you belong…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 7

Here is some of the treasure I found while studying Romans chapter 7. I hope this blog post brings you encouragement! Romans 7:4 says, So, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the point: You died to the power of the law when you died with…

My Birthday Prayer…For You

I woke up at 4:30am this morning after just getting in bed at 12:30am, but I was too excited to go back to sleep! This was the first thing that entered my mind: It's my Birthday, I'm so glad to be alive, You love me so much God, You love…

Be Changed By Looking To Jesus

One of the main truths I desire to help others understand is that genuine change comes in our lives as we look to Jesus. The reason I believe God put it so strong on my heart to help people understand this truth is because of the contrast I…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 6

Romans 6 is such an awesome chapter of the Bible. The Apostle Paul continually reminds us that in order to live in victory over sin we must consider ourselves dead to sin. Here is some of the treasure I discovered while reading and studying…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 5

Here is some of the treasure I discovered while reading and studying Romans chapter 5. I hope you're encouraged! Romans 5:1 says,  1 Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 4

When I first read this chapter of the Bible about 5 days ago in preparation to write this post I thought, "Hmmm, wonder what I could say about this chapter for my next God's Treasure Chest post." Don't get me wrong. Reading Romans 4 was awesome,…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 3

Here is some of the treasure that stood out to me while reading and studying Romans chapter 3. I hope this brings you encouragement! Romans 3:19 says,  Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 2

I am having so much fun writing down my thoughts from my study on the book of Romans. Here is some of the treasure I discovered from reading and studying Romans chapter 2. I hope this helps you! Romans 2:1 says, You may think you can…