My Book Is Now In The Korean Language!

So excited to announce the release of my book, I Tried Until I Almost Died, in the Korean language! I’m grateful to my publisher, WaterBrook & Multnomah, for working with Kyujang Publishing to help this become a reality. Last night I…

I Was Shouting At The TV In Agreement

Over a month ago my husband Steve listened to this teaching by Judah Smith, Pastor of The City Church in Seattle. He said he wanted us all to watch it as a family during one of our weekly family rallies. I was literally shouting at the TV…

Our Breakthroughs Come By God’s Grace, But Grace Must Be Received

I thoroughly enjoy processing my grace journey by thinking through how God's grace plays into every single part of my life. I had a pretty rough period of time for about 12 weeks earlier in the year, but God has really given me some huge breakthroughs…

Your Struggle Is Not With People

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12 (NASB) It really helps…

Good Parenting

Good parenting takes time...lots and lots of time. This is one big reason us McCollom's don't plan such a tight schedule that we end up running from thing to thing to thing. We learned years ago that to be able to listen to our kids and to be…

God’s Treasure Chest – Romans 15

Here's some of the treasure I discovered while reading and studying Romans chapter 15. I hope this brings you encouragement! Romans 15:1-2 say,  1 We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this.…

I’m Almost A Parent Of Teenagers

Starr on the left and Angel on the right (in pic with Cinderella) are gonna be 13 this weekend! Unbelievable! You know, I used to think that as a parent I wasn't suppose to be my kids' friend, but I was only suppose to be their parent…

Major Breakthrough!

First thing I want to say is Thank You All For Your Prayers in regards to my health situation that I talked about in my last post, Going Through A Trial? Here's Some Encouragement!  Since that post was published on February 18th, I have…

Going Through A Trial? Here’s Some Encouragement!

I've been up since 2:30 am with symptoms of paresthesia. Paresthesia, by definition, is an abnormal sensation, typically tingling or prickling ("pins and needles") caused chiefly by pressure on or damage to peripheral nerves. This has been…

We Are Weak…But He Is Strong

I was singing the song  Jesus Loves Me by Anna B. Warner the other day. As I was singing in first person, this one line really stood out to me: We Are Weak, But He Is Strong. I've been singing this all week long and loving it! Recently,…