

The Prodigal Son and The Older Brother – What Were They Missing?

I want to share this story from a new perspective that the Father just dropped in my heart this morning. I like to release a blog post on Saturday morning if I have time so when I woke up this morning I immediately began to ask God if there…

The Sin of Self-Righteousness

I used to have a pet peeve. It was people who gossiped about other people; more specifically Christians who gossiped about other people. It just bugged me to hear Christians talk about how we are suppose to walk in love and then hear those same…

Here’s A Prescription For Living With Indescribable Joy

Lately, I've been thinking about what an indescribable level of joy we would enter into in life if we really didn't just say It's All About Jesus, just to say it and sound spiritual, but we really began to understand what that means. You…
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Christ-Consciousness Leads to Humility

After listening, if you would like to share this audio post, scroll down to see how "True Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less." - C.S. Lewis Humility is sort of a scary subject to write about…