

The Salvation Army’s Motto – Others!

William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army, once sent a letter to all of his officers. When they opened it, it simply said others. Below is a short video clip from this past weekend when I spoke at the Secrets of the Heart event held at…

Blessed Because of Jesus

What do you believe you have to do to qualify for God's blessing? There was plenty they had to do under the old covenant of law to receive God's blessing and plenty they had to keep from doing to avoid coming under the curse, but you and…

Seeing Past Your Circumstances, To God’s Promises

One month ago was when all the fun started - NOT! I've actually been in the hospital twice in one month for two different things, but in this post I'm going to focus on the most recent event. Someone recently blessed me with $200 and encouraged…

My Two Year Health Nightmare

It was November of 2009 and I was out with a group of Moms. We tried to get away once a month to talk, share stories, give and receive encouragement about parenting and eat together. I had battled health problems on and off since I had my…

Does God Cause or Permit Bad Things In Our Lives?

Such a sad week for us here in The United States of America as we mourn the devastating tragedy in Las Vegas. When tragedy strikes, people have questions and understandably so. Does God cause bad things to happen to us? Does God permit…

The Fear Of God – Excellent Message by Patsy Cameneti

This is the way The Fear Of God should be taught! I loved this message and listened to it myself, probably 5 times! When we truly understand what The Fear of God means it actually delivers us from a whole bunch of other fears, including the…

God Is NOT Judging America

Or anyone else, for that matter. How could this be? Jesus, that's how. Because perfect, sinless Jesus was willing to go to the cross and take the sin of the entire world upon Himself - 2 Corinthians 5:21 says Jesus became sin for us - God's…

Freedom From Legalism

Do you find yourself wondering if you have done enough for God? Are you looking for a to-do list to accomplish for God in order to be acceptable to Him? When you struggle with sin do you think you would be able to overcome if you would…

True or False? Being Sin Conscious Makes Me Sin Less

I laughed, I cried, I kept screaming "Come on, PREACH" and I thought, my goodness, if every Christian on the planet could hear this. Dr. Creflo Dollar is doing such an amazing job unveiling the beauty of Jesus through his teaching. I absolutely…

God’s Protection Over Us

You have probably figured out by now, especially if you watch the news, that you cannot count on the people and the environment around you always being safe. I made a personal decision a long time ago to stop watching the news because of…