My Dramatic Presentation This Morning and God’s Great Grace
Get ready for a laugh, cuz I’m about to get real. This morning I woke up super negative because last night I was thinking, “Ok! When I get these few […]
Sandra McCollom has a passion to see others enter into the life of rest that Jesus offers. She lives in the St. Louis area with Steve, her husband of more than twenty years, and their twin daughters. Sandra thoroughly enjoys spending time with her family as well as reading, writing, CrossFit training, and homeschooling her girls.
Get ready for a laugh, cuz I’m about to get real. This morning I woke up super negative because last night I was thinking, “Ok! When I get these few […]
Your paycheck is not your source Your side business is not your source Other people are not your source The stock market is not your source Your retirement account is […]
This is by far the most popular question I get… “How can I get a revelation of grace like you have, Sandra?” In my case, I did not even know […]
Friends, I’ve got a story for you! It’s a miraculous story of how the amazing grace of God can affect our everyday lives! I just returned back home last night […]
Enjoy this message titled Anger Management Made Easy as I share with you how to live free from anger using my own personal experience. This is a 1 hour and […]
Has 2020 been a crazy year so far, or what? Have you heard any scary prophecies? Have you noticed if you’re personally expecting the worst or expecting the best? Friends, […]
Are you exhausted from trying to get it all right? If so, this is gonna help you. It’s a dialogue of a recent conversation between a friend and myself and […]
I have one and only one new year’s resolution for 2021. It’s the same resolution I’ve had for the past 9 years, ever since I came into a revelation of […]
Sometimes I think people get the wrong idea that if they are living under grace then that means they need to let others mistreat them or even abuse them. Let […]
I’ve been in one of the most exciting seasons of my life this past month, spiritually speaking. This is really starting to sink in for me which proves that we […]
In “I Tried Until I Almost Died”, Sandra shares how she left behind her burden of anxiety and fear and shows you how to experience for yourself the freedom of trusting solely in the perfecting power of God’s grace. Buy The Book Now!