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God’s True Nature

After listening, if you would like to share this audio post, scroll down to see how I did my first two radio interviews the other day and one of the questions I was asked was how I see myself today when I look in the mirror now that I…

The Scale Does Not Determine Your Worth And Value

Three years ago I started gaining weight for the first time in my life. Watch the video above to find out how I've been able to remain peaceful throughout this potentially frustrating season. If you have not yet made Jesus your Savior…

What Are You Meditating On?

The person who knows they have been forgiven of much, loves much. This is why I spent this morning, while getting ready, meditating on how good God is that He sent Jesus to die in my place and pay the penalty for my sins. My thinking went something…

Never Give Up

I have heard two different ministers recently say something that really resonated with me. They said, "The Christian life is not just hard to live, it's impossible to live. There is only one person who can live the Christian life and that is…

Here’s A Prescription For Living With Indescribable Joy

Lately, I've been thinking about what an indescribable level of joy we would enter into in life if we really didn't just say It's All About Jesus, just to say it and sound spiritual, but we really began to understand what that means. You…

Why I Didn’t Enjoy Reading The Bible For Years…But Now I Can’t Stop

I have read the Bible faithfully since I became a Christian at the age of 8, but sadly, for most of my life I saw it as a book of rules that I had to try my hardest to obey. In fact, this is the way I viewed the Bible until just over 2 years…

What’s Rest Got To Do With It?

This past March my twin girls had their first slumber party to celebrate their birthdays. As they were eating breakfast with their friends the next morning I thought to myself, "I want to listen in and see what all these girlsies are talking…

The Secret To Walking In Love

1 Corinthians 13:1-8a (NASB)  The Excellence of Love  13 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries…

When You Rest, God Goes To Work On Your Behalf

See this long, deep, ugly scratch on our car? I was pulling out of my driveway a couple of weeks ago when I side-swiped my own mailbox. Seriously, who does that! Apparently I do and for some reason I have beaten up this particular car on…

Finding Your Ministry

Well, I've been looking so forward to having time to write this week's blog post. I've been talking to lots of people about this particular subject over the past 7 days which is always such a huge help to me in preparing to write. When I…