
Right Believing Produces Right Living
Everyone is always asking everyone else what they're doing, right?
But do you often hear people asking other people what they're believing?
The second is actually a much more important question!
In the past number of years, on my grace…

Right Place, Right Time – A God Story
I debated on what to title this blog post, but I chose what I did because only God could have set things up the way He did for this story to play out so perfectly!
Last night, after my daughter Starr showed me her new fever blister, I immediately…

How To Have A Great Prayer Life
Here is a secret to having a great prayer life and a guarantee that you will live out the Apostle's Paul's advice found in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. His advice being this: "Pray without ceasing."
In going about and doing your day to day life…

The Privilege Of Knowing Jesus
I have some good news for you today!
If you believe in Jesus and have received Him as your Lord and Savior, you are brand new In Christ.
Brand spanking new means: utterly new, as new as possible!
You have literally been taken out of…

Freely Forgiven By My Family…Again
I started typing out this blog last night while simultaneously watching the first game of the World Series, The Cardinal's against The Red Sox. Why? Because I had a crazy day yesterday and I like to put my thoughts down while they are fresh.…

Resist The Devil And Walk In Your Authority
Our daughter Angel is still recovering from her first and her last (in Jesus' name) bout of bronchitis. She is doing better everyday and is almost through it but still has coughing fits. Of course the devil has tried to tell me every lie in…

How To Get Along With People Better
I think more than anything in the world people just want to feel valued by other people and they feel valued when they are spoken to with respect.
I am a stay-at-home Mom and I homeschool my girls which means I am with them a lot.
I know…

Are You Experiencing Burnout?
I had a very rough day yesterday. I couldn't focus, felt down and just kept thinking, "What is my problem?" Finally at the end of the day, after talking to my husband, we figured out my problem. I think I got my first taste of "ministry burnout."

Pray About Everything
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. - Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
But Sandra, prayer only works if we can be confident that we have been growing, achieving, developing…

The Confident Marriage
After listening, if you would like to share this audio post, scroll down to see how
Have you ever taken the time to look around at other married couples that are sitting in a restaurant together out on a date? I have and I have noticed…